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Construction Safety Audits Scoring System (ConSASS) 2020

The WSH (Construction & Landscaping) Committee of WSH Council started the review of the ConSASS Audit Checklist since 2020. With the endorsement by Minstry of Manpower, the checklist is published and auditors will be using this new checklist starting from 1 Oct 2021.

The pushing for the changes were mainly due to the new ISO Standard for Occupational, Health & Safety - ISO 45001 published in March 2018 and subsequent termination of SS506 / BS OHSAS 18001.

Apart from aligning to the new ISO Standard, the following were also considered and factored in the new checklist:

  1. Incorporated WSH 2028 recommendations (Ownership, Health and Technology), Design for Safety in designing the questions

  2. No specific elements for “Leadership/Commitment” and “Consultation and participation of workers” but have questions embedded in 20 Elements as appropriate

  3. UAI reference had been removed

  4. Localised guidance notes on WSHMS for auditors / Occupiers, e.g. bizSAFE, SnapSAFE, CultureSAFE, STO, TWSH, etc

  5. Specific parameters and requirement are defined for implementation before credits can be given

  6. Reduce 4-Band to a 3-Band structure to be less focus on documentation

  7. Increase to 20 Elements from 17 Elements

  8. Reduce the total number of questions from 348 to 204, reduced by 41.4%

  9. Focus more checks on implementation, 52.2% compared to current version of 38% on implementation

  10. Re-format the Interview of Personnel (IP) questionnaires

Essentially, for organisations whom already certified to ISO 45001, it would be easier for project sites to appreicate the new changes. However, since ConSASS is designed to apply at project site level, the changes on the new checklist will not affect too much on the current workplace safety and health practices at worksite. Project site will just need to plan and prepare the project site team for additional implementation evidences to be demonstrated to the auditors.

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